Would love to hear your thoughts on Hello Web App!
What did you think?
Practical and fun read. Its THE de facto Django manual for the times… Hello Web App takes you all the way to a viable hosted app in record time, with some neat smarts and sense of humor. Power Stuff and great coding Kung Foo! :smile:
Great wee book, very handy and swiftly brings anyone with huge programming experience or very little up to speed with Django and making web apps. I love how it is taken from a different approach than other web programming books which focus, introducing the ‘design’ elements of web apps first.
^_^ Thanks everyone! Keep them coming, I’m going to add quotes like these to the website and future marketingmarketing things.
I really enjoyed going through the book. It was an easy read and only ran into a couple of issues but it was resolved easily enough once I made my way to this discussion board.
@limedaring, when is the next book coming out, I am ready for more :)