Virtualenv Questions


Hi guys!

I am trying to set Virtualenv from the Set Up page (Step 3)

I entered this command “pip install virutalenv” and it gave me this:

Requirement already satisfied: virtualenv in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Which I think it’s fine (right?). Then I would go to the myhellowebapp folder and try to start my virtual environment.

Now, the next step I have issues with.

I enter this command to create the virtual environment: virtualenv venv

… and it gives me this: -bash: virtualenv: command not found



That looks like you already have it installed but inside an environment. I don’t have any such directory structure as that and I am not so sure that it is correct.
I don’t know what flavour of linux you are running but I am using Linux Mint 18 and I installed mine like this:

sudo apt-get install python-pip

pip install virtualenv

pip might complain that it is not the latest version, so upgrade it exactly as it say, ie:

pip install --upgrade pip



If you google it, there is more than one way to install virtualenv


Thanks @david61! @johnhlm, if that doesn’t work, let us know what system you have. :)


got it to work. thanks!