Uploading directly to S3


I looked at the documents here:uploading directly to S3 in python

And I’m getting super-confused over how to incorporate that in my own hellowebapp to allow users upload images. I also tried to do something called django-storage-redux and it broke my app. I had to delete everything related to it and it works again. But so far, my in production is unable to show any uploaded images.



I was frustrated so I went back and redid django-storage-redux along with creating a bucket and access ID and Key on AWS S3.

I have it set to run on my local settings, but haven’t pushed it to heroku for fear of breaking it. So when I run it locally and upload an image as a fake user it gives me an error that says:

NotImplementedError at /things/name/edit/images/

This backend doesn’t support absolute paths.

However, when I go back back to the previous webpage by hitting the back button on my web browser and refresh, the image shows up somehow magically (another issue is the images don’t resize as written in Models.py under class Uploads).

And when I check on my bucket on AWS, the images have shown up on mybucket/media/image file. So obviously this seems to work, but how would I get rid of the error page showing up as described above?

“This backend doesn’t support absolute paths” seems like it might have to do with urls or views.

Any help from anyone would be appreciated as I’m losing sleep over this.

my error file at pastebin: errors


Hey there! I hate to punt on this personally but I am going to be absolutely swamped in the next couple of weeks with some personal issues, and wanted to let you know I don’t have time to dig into this and help. :(

I’m going to post this on my Twitter but in the meanwhile, I’d recommend trying out StackOverflow too!

Sorry I can’t help right now. :(