Trying to get app working on Heroku


I have already created my Heroku free account and have run into an issue with using git. Here is the output that I receive when running git push heroku master

(venv)daniel@ub-hellowebapp:~/projects/hellowebapp$ git push heroku master
error: src refspec master does not match any.
error: failed to push some refs to ‘


Does this help?


Thanks. I found that I had missed a step from the Heroku getting started guide.


Thanks for responding! Mind pasting in what step you missed here in case anyone else runs into the same issue?


I needed to do this line after doing the git init

heroku git:remote -a app_name

I am actually running an Ubuntu server VM from my Mac. When I first started going through the book I could not get my site to load at all in a web browser on my Mac until I did some reading and found that in order to access it I would need to add a little more to the runserver command listed in the book (python runserver) to python runserver