Template does not exist


Hello, I’ve made it to the bottom of page 15, but my index.html will not display when I run the server. I re-did the whole thing but got the same error. I tried the code from the github repo, but that seemed to use older commands that just caused more issues (like the ‘patterns’ method in the url.py folder).

Anyway, I’m sure I just need to do something simple, like reposition the inex.html file, or tell django to re-integrate files or some such thing…

help please?

Here’s the output from

TemplateDoesNotExist at /

  Request Method:

  Request URL:

  Django Version:
  Exception Type:

  Exception Value:

  Exception Location:
  /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/template/loader.py in get_template, line 46


annnnndddd, i just figured it out.

I had to add this to the templates section of my settings.py file:

    'DIRS': [r'/home/bryant/Documents/Coding/hellowebapp/collection/templates',],


Sorry, I was traveling! Glad you figured out a solution. :)


Thanks. Your post along with the sites find similar post feater I was saved from having to make a whole new post. It worked. I get a simple Hello World page going I’v had to do a lot of file/directory creating and config file editing. Everyone keeps saying that python is the future of the web but there really is a lot more to learn and have to remember compared to php. I’m trying, but coming from php django discourages me.