Intermediate Concepts - User Uploaded Images


I am working through the Intermediate Concepts book and on page 42 ran into an issue, perhaps with the wording of the comment.

our helper, add above the new model

def get_image_path(instance, filename):

return ‘/’.join([‘thing_images’, instance.thing.slug, filename])

				class Upload(models.Model):

thing = models.ForeignKey(Thing, related_name=“uploads”)
image = models.ImageField(upload_to=get_image_path)

I add that into my webapp and then try to run the makemigrations but it gives an error.

class Upload(Timestamp):

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Not sure why it is invalid. Thanks for any help.


I finally saw what it was complaining about. I didn’t close the def. I need more sleep.


Hahaha yeah that’s pretty much how programming goes!


Yes, once I finally caught it I just laughed and couldn’t believe I had missed it. Oh well, I am moving ahead.

The new book is great! I’ve gotten everything functional so far along with doing some work on the HTML and CSS. I wish I was able to design my site like you do your sites.


Haha, good thing Hello Web Design will be the next book I write! Glad the new book is working well for you. :) :) :)


So I moved past the earlier error but have run into one that I’m not sire where to go after looking through several Stackoverflow postings and other sites related to it. I am able to upload an image just fine through the Admin page but after going through and putting the code in I go to the user I am logged in as and try to run Edit Images it keeps returning a Value error:

The view collection.views.edit_thing_uploads didn’t return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead.

I’m pretty sure that I typed in everything correctly. I verified my indention’s and that there were return statements as listed in the book.


Upload your view to so I can take a look at it. :)


I just uploaded it:



You have several indentation issues at the beginning:

def profile_detail(request, slug):
        # grab the object
        profile = Profile.objects.get(slug=slug)
        # grab all the object's social accounts
        social_accounts = profile.social_accounts.all()
        # grab the images associated with the profile
        uploads = profile.uploads.all()
        # and pass it to the templace
        return render(request, 'profiles/profile_detail.html', {
        'profile': profile,
        'social_accounts': social_accounts,
        'uploads': uploads,

Should be

def profile_detail(request, slug):
        # grab the object
        profile = Profile.objects.get(slug=slug)
        # grab all the object's social accounts
        social_accounts = profile.social_accounts.all()
        # grab the images associated with the profile
        uploads = profile.uploads.all()
        # and pass it to the templace
        return render(request, 'profiles/profile_detail.html', {
                'profile': profile,
                'social_accounts': social_accounts,
                'uploads': uploads,

Try making sure that your indentation is right throughout the file and try again!


Actually, I have it the way you listed for what it should be. I just pasted it in on pastebin without checking the format afterwards. I will look at the indention to make sure there isn’t a mixture of spaces and tabs.


Can you take a screenshot of the page that shows that indentation so I can update the books? Or let me know what page/version of the books?


The screen capture is is uploaded. I am not sure if it is a book error or something I did wrong.


I was talking about profile_detail(), which is indented wrong in your pastebin code, not edit_thing_uploads(). :)


Here is the screen capture of it in my


Again, your formatting is incorrect. Look at the closing bracket on the return render() statement. It need to be lined up with the parent, like the code I fixed above.


Thanks for the help. That ended up breaking something else and didn’t resolve it. I will just have to dig deeper and figure it out.


I am happy to help more. Do you understand the formatting and why it was incorrect? That’s very important for you, especially for moving forward — getting formatting and spacing correct is definitely step #1 in debugging. :)


Yes, thanks.


Update: I had to go back to page 79 - 80 of the Hello Web App book to find where I had my indentation wrong. Thanks again for the help!


You’re welcome!