ImportError: No module named


In the “Adding Dynamic Data” section, we are asked to:

$ python createsuperuser

I get the following error:

ImportError: No module named

I realize this is a dependency issue, probably having to do something with the fact that my Mac has Python 2.7 and 3.4 installed, but in general, I was wondering if there is a good tutorial out there for understanding how paths, venvs, and dependencies work in the first place.


First, make sure you’re in your virtualenv, because that error could maybe occur if you’re not in a place where Django is installed. :)

If that doesn’t work… maybe this thread will help? I’ll see what other resources I can find about paths and whatnot.


Would you mind reposting that thread? I don’t see the link.

Anyway, I got past this by starting over again in a new PythonAnywhere console. I would recommend that you consider having all book readers use this service in future editions so as to eliminate some OS specific issues.


Whoops, sorry, here it is:

Thanks for the suggestion, looking into it!