Thank You . I figured out the mistake… and I correct it. Now the problem is solved
Thank you
I am following line by line the Book and on the Regostration Chapter & Thing Creation upon User’s Registration I click on submit to create the Thing (Name & Description) & I get this error bellow! I would much apprecaited your assistance
Find Here My GitHub Repository with my so far code. The Error comes when I just click on submit. The bizzare thing is that the user & its associated Thing are both created and can be edited again and again afterward if I just write my localhost url.
NameError at /accounts/create_thing/
global name ‘name’ is not defined
Request Method:
Request URL:
Django Version:
Exception Type:
Exception Value:
global name 'name' is not defined
Exception Location:
/home/anapan/Documents/projects/hellowebapp/hellowebapp/collection/ in create_thing, line 51
Python Executable:
Python Version:
Python Path:
Server time:
Sun, 28 Jun 2015 18:58:33 +0000