I think I’m almost there… But I think I’m missing something(s).
First off… I’m on Windows7 (let’s just get that messy bit of info out of the way). Yes I should install Linux on a second partition… but I’d have to rebuild my computer, something I don’t really want to do right now.
So what have I managed:
Installed Python.
Installed Pip.
Installed Virtualenv.
Installed Django.
Issues Using Windows PowerShell:
I found that to initiate the virtualenv I should use the following for PowerShell:
It seems to run, but there’s no indication that I’m now in a virtual environment (as indicated in the help file).
Second is issue is initiated Git.
It just throws an error message. I’ve installed Git and Git Bash… but I’m not very familiar with Git in the CMD Prompt environment, so I must be missing something?
So those are my two issues I need to resolve before I can begin! Any help is appreciated. I’m trying to search the forum for answers and coming up blank so far.