Error importing 'patterns' from 'django.conf.urls'


Hi Tracy,
I’m in chapter 4, section “creating your first view”. after entering code into the file i refresh my localhost page and get an error message saying “localhost refused to connect”. i then ran python runserver and received the following error message: “ImportError: cannot import name ‘patterns’ from ‘django.conf.urls’ (/Users/mtm101/projects/myhellowebapp/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/conf/urls/” i did some searching online and found lots of posts talking about the degradation of patterns in more recent versions of django. i’m using 2.0.10 as directed on can you offer any guidance or advice for moving forward? are you familiar with this error? thank you!


Thanks for moving your question over!

I think the version of the book you have is old. (Hello Web App v1 was for Django 1.8 and below, the newest has a different structure.) Can you let me know when and where you bought it?

Do you have access to the online dashboard? If not, I can create an account for you and you can see the latest content online and download the newest digital files.


Hi Tracy,

Got it. I had a feeling that might be the case. I bought it on May 18th from amazon: I

I’m not sure if I have access to the online dashboard. I’ve subscribed to the email list to get a copy of the sample, but I’m not sure if this is the same thing. If you could create an account for me that would be awesome.

Thank you!


Oh that’s frustrating. There shouldn’t be any remaining 1.0 books at Amazon but I don’t have the ability to double check my warehouse. 😭😭😭

Respond to that email thread we have with your address and I’ll ship you out a new book and get you started on the dashboard.


Will do! Thank you so much, Tracy. Excited to dive into the updated version!