Hi All,
Completed my first Django app at www.oneoiljobsearch.com. It’s an automated job aggregator for the oil and gas industry. I literally don’t have to do anything and it ticks along every hour. “Don’t have to” is different from “unnecessary tinkering” which I will be doing!
I already had a wordpress site for a niche in the oil job industry but I had to do A LOT manually, 10-40 mins each day. So I learned Python to help.
Then I realised I could make a fully automated app and moved onto Django.
Progress was:
- www.automatetheboringstuff.com | 3months
- work on automation of job search to run on laptop, with output to text file | 1 month
- https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/en/ | 1 week
- https://hellowebapp.com/ | 1-3 weeks (can’t remember)
- hello web app intermediate book | 1-3 weeks (can’t remember)
- Work on expanding hello web app to current website | 1 months
A key component for me that wasn’t covered in hellowebapp was site search, I used haystack ( http://haystacksearch.org/ ) which probably was the hardest element in the web app but for the wrong reasons. Spent 2 weeks trying to get it to work on deployment and it was an issue to do with version control and heroku addon compatibility :/ .
Then I added some bootstrap by taking elements from this guide. https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_theme_company.asp
There’s a lot happening in the backend with Heroku’s scheduler + BaseCommand (that we learn in Tracey’s book) + concepts learnt from the automatetheboringstuff tutorials.
Really chuffed with this, total cost to date $15. For a life skill. Go team.