Hey all, I finished the book earlier this week and was able to deploy the app to heroku. I have many things I’d like to add code-wise and style-wise and so I think this thing is a long way off from feeling done, but it feels like a great start and I felt like it was time to share it. Loved the book’s pace and its ability to point out areas to self-learn (especially loved the numerous links to good resources).
Today I also added bootstrap to the layout, which took some time to digest. I’ve done the codecademy HTML lesson previously which helped immensely if anyone wants to go that route.
I’m attempting to create some sort of hiking app, where you can write a hike and the description of the hike. So there is a lot of room for adding content and features.
Deployed app on heroku: https://hellowebapp-rsaul.herokuapp.com
Github: https://github.com/giantryansaul/hellowebapp
Some notes:
- Instead of “Things” I used “Profile” and you’ll see that all over the code.
- There are 2 models, Profile and Hikes, Profile is a onetoone relationship, Hikes is a foreignkey relationship, so one user can make as make hikes as they want, but can only have one profile.
- I had a lot of trouble serving static files in production until I read heroku’s production static files article: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/django-assets
- The book uses whitenoise as well, but I think I was missing some key lines.
- Bootstrap is a great way to get a nice template quickly, I basically just retooled some of the examples on their website to the hellowebapp layout: http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#examples