Backends RegistrationView with multiple 'things'



Well, I’ve been a busy beaver and I have come across a slight problem that I have not been able to fathom. If I wanted to have more than one ‘thing’, such as Client and Contact, how would I use the below code from hellowebapp to redirect back to the correct URL - ie registration_create_client or registration_create_contact.

Also, I take it that if I wanted all users to access everything everyone else has done, then I should be able to omit this part, n’est pas? However, I think that would be too dangerous and I would only want authorised users to create, edit and delete etc., but I’m not sure on how to implement a global registration and login.

from registration.backends.simple.views import RegistrationView

# my new reg view, subclassing RegistrationView from our plugin
class MyRegistrationView(RegistrationView):
    def get_success_url(self, request, user):
        # the named URL that we want to redirect to after
        # successful registration
        return ('registration_create_thing')




Just making sure I understand correctly, you’re looking to have two different registration pages for the different things? Or one registration page that creates both a Client and Contact?


Hi Tracy,

What I am after ideally would be just one registration/login for all of my ‘things’.


If you want to have one page doing everything, rather than multiple pages, things definitely get more complicated. :) Could you just have a multi-part registration, where Step 1 creates the user, Step 2 creates the client, etc? It would be a lot simpler to build in the beginning, because you can use the steps I outlined in the HWA tutorial.


Hi, I actually have multiple models and these are separated with their different pages. I have managed to get everything going fairly well. Progress is slow and due to work constraints I have not been able to spend much time on it lately.
There is a registration section and you have to log in to be able to use the “site”, but only once.
When I return home later, I will post what I have done so far so that you can see.


Here is my source code for one of my projects to give you an idea of what I am doing.



Cool — so you got something working then?


Hi, sorry for the delay in replying. I have managed to do this but other things started getting too complicated in other areas for my level of understanding so I decided to create another more manageable and simpler project.
I will post what I have done later today, so that you can see and also for those that may wish to use the code as an example.


As promised, here is my code on bitbucket for this once only login for multiple models…
It does have some bootstrap3 code as well but it is far from finished.


(ha ha - I just realised that I already posted this link above