Well, I’ve been a busy beaver and I have come across a slight problem that I have not been able to fathom. If I wanted to have more than one ‘thing’, such as Client and Contact, how would I use the below code from hellowebapp to redirect back to the correct URL - ie registration_create_client or registration_create_contact.
Also, I take it that if I wanted all users to access everything everyone else has done, then I should be able to omit this part, n’est pas? However, I think that would be too dangerous and I would only want authorised users to create, edit and delete etc., but I’m not sure on how to implement a global registration and login.
from registration.backends.simple.views import RegistrationView
# my new reg view, subclassing RegistrationView from our plugin
class MyRegistrationView(RegistrationView):
def get_success_url(self, request, user):
# the named URL that we want to redirect to after
# successful registration
return ('registration_create_thing')