ImportError: cannot import name 'password_reset'


I’m on page 72 (of first book) trying to set up the password reset URLs. I copied in the URL patterns as listed and have the password templates in templates/registration.

I’m getting the following error:
from django.contrib.auth.views import ( ImportError: cannot import name 'password_reset'

According to this SO thread, it appears this no longer works?


Sounds like you’re using Django 2.1 — FYI, this is why I say to use Django 2.0. :)

The import statements have changed in 2.1, see this thread to switch things out: Django 2.1 changes?


According to my system, it looks like I am somehow using 1.9 (based on the following)?

$ python -m django --version

EDIT: upgrading to Django 2.0 solved it.


Hmmm that’s super weird.

Can you make sure you’re in your virtual environment, and then give me the output of pip freeze in your terminal so I can check the versions of everything?

Additionally, can you check in your and confirm you have the line to include urls from registration.backends.simple.urls?